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> lize mogel >

The Personal Planning Kit for a Public Park provides basic necessities for turning private property into public space. The kit, encased in a handmade oak box, contains signage that can be personalized; and an instruction booklet that describes how easy it is to turn any size piece of land-- from a front lawn to a parking space-- into a public park. The kit is meant to function with the economy of art objects; in that art collectors, who have disposable income to purchase works of art most likely own excess property as well that can become public space. For the gardenlab presentation, an example of the PPK will be on display. I will also make available "Public Park" signage for distribution which visitors to the exhibition can personalize and and use to claim any green spaces across Los Angeles as public parks- traffic medians, vacant lots, or other interstitial or underused green spaces in the city.

Kit Components:
Instruction booklet
Public Park sign (1)
Do Not Litter sign (1)
In Memoriam brass bench plaques (2)

> bio >

Lize works with the interstices between art and cultural geography. Her cartographic projects are distributed and inserted into public space. Her recent work "Public Green" maps parks in Los Angeles and asks viewers to become active producers of their local landscape. She also works collaboratively with the radio collective neuroTransmitter, the Center for Land Use Interpretation, and the Journal of Aesthetics and Protest.

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public green