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Animal Estates 1.0: New York, NY / 2008 Whitney Biennial

On Saturday, March 22nd at 2:00pm the public is invited into the vast drill hall of the Seventh Regiment Armory on Park Avenue. Twelve movement artists including Felicia Ballos (Wood Duck), Layla Childs (Big Brown Bat), Anna Sperber (Mason Bee), Levi Gonzales (Northern Flying Squirrel), Paige Gratland (beaver), Michael Helland (Bobcat), Jmy Leary (Eastern Tiger Salamander), Daniel Linehan (Opossum), Alex Escalante (Purple Martin), and Kayvon Pourazar (Barn Owl) together perform all 12 animal inspired movement scores and then give instruction culminating in organized group movements echoing the military drills orignally staged in the hall.