Sonya Robbins {Dancing 9-5 teacher}

Sonya is one half of Robbinschilds. Robbinschilds, founded in 2003 on the choreographers’ (Sonya Robbins and Layla Childs) shared interest in performance and installation, is focused on presenting highly visual dance works which explore the intersection between architecture and human movement. With a particular attraction to empty places, public spaces, geological formations, time travel and psychedelic filigree, the choreographers’ intricately structured movement vocabulary traverses through the inanimate, human and extra-pedestrian states. In a style that is obsessive, persistent and often humorous, robbinschilds’ observations of the human imprint on the world are revealed.

Working closely with their regular team of collaborators: videographer A.L. Steiner, costume designer Ellis Kreuger, sound artist/urban planner Rosten Woo and scultptor/designer AJ Blandford, robbinschilds strives to pursue a rich dialogue among fellow artists in order to fully realize their original creations.