possible faculty

Chris Abani ~WRITING {writer - UC Riverside}

Mark Allen ~ART/SCIENCE {artist/curator/facilitator - Pomona College}

Andy Alexander ~YOGA {artist - yoga leader}

Ava Bromberg ~URBAN PLANNING/ACTIVISM {urban planner - UCLA}

Vaginal Davis ~ PERFORMANCE {performance artist}

Sean Dockray & Fiona Whitton ~ ART/SCIENCE {artists/curators/writers - Telic - Institute for Advanced Architecture}

Eve Fowler ~ PHOTOGRAPHY {photgrapher/artist - UCLA}

Aaron Gach ~ ART/ACTIVISM {artist - Center for Tactical Magic}

Malik Gaines ~ PERFORMANCE {artist/writer/performer/critic/curator -My Barbarian - UCLA}


Bruce Hainley ~ ART/PORNOGRAPHY {writer/critic/curator -Art Center}

Robby Herbst ~ ART/ACTIVISM {artist/activist - Journal of Aesthetics and Protest}

Liz Larner ~ SCULPTURE {artist/sculptor - Art Center}

Eileen Myles ~WRITING (writer - UCSD}

Yoshua Okon ~ART/SOCIAL SYSTEMS {artist/video - founder La Panederia - UCSD}

AnnMarie Polsenberg Thomas ~ SCIENCE/BIOMIMICRY {scientist - engineering - biomimicry - CalTech}

Emily Scott ~ ART/ECOLOGY {art historian - state park ranger - Los Angeles Urban Rangers - UCLA}

Jon Sueda & Gail Swanlund ~ DESIGN/GRAPHICS {graphic designers - Stripe LA - CalArts}

Flora Weigmann ~ ART/DANCE {dancer/choreographer/curator - Champion Fine Art - UCLA}

Wash Westmoreland & Richard Glatzer ~ FILM/TV {filmmakers - 'Quinceanera'}

Alice Wu & Moriah Carlson ~ ART/FASHION {artists/clothing designers - Feral Childe}