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A parade on April 26th, 2008 produced by the Indianapolis Museum of Art in conjunction with the exhibition On Procession, May 2 - August 10, 2008.



Two parades will become one on an Indianapolis interchange overpass. Participants and viewers representing the EAST and WEST of Indianapolis, Indiana, the United States and the world will converge on each other visible to the speeding traffic below. The parade will begin as easterns and westerns assemble on either side and will end as they gradually drift away from the mash-up on the overpass.

1. A north-south line is struck where the Interstate 70 meets Interstate 65 at the Virginia Ave. overpass in Indianapolis.

2. All parade participants from the west side of that line will assemble at the intersection of East Street & Virginia Avenue.

3. All parade participants from the east side of that line will assemble at the intersection of Shelby Street & Virginia Avenue.

4. At noon on Saturday, April 26th, the two parade groups will proceed on the right lane of Virginia Avenue heading towards each other.

5. As each parade passes, the assembled viewers along Virginia Avenue will fall in line behind.

6. The two parades will pass each other on either side of the overpass, the following viewers may assemble in the center of the overpass, or wherever they are comfortable.

7. The east marching westside parade (visible to cars on the northbound Interstate) may make one full loop on the overpass, and then continue in the direction they were originally headed, to the beginning point of the other parade, or they may just dissolve into a mash-up of east and west.

8. The west marching eastside parade (visible to cars on the southbound Interstate) may make one full loop on the overpass, and then continue in the direction they were originally headed, to the beginning point of the other parade, or they may just dissolve into a mash-up of east and west.

9. Folding in on itself parts of the two parades may pass each other, combine as one infinite circular parade, or collapse into one mass where the lines between east and west, performers and audience dissolves .

10. The parade will end gradually as participants, marchers and audience slowly drift away and head back to the museum....


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This spring, the Indianapolis Museum of Art will host the exhibition On Procession , assembling a range of contemporary artworks that use “the parade” as a theme or an apparatus. Participating artists include Francis Alÿs, Jeremy Deller, Paul McCarthy, Amy O’Neill, and many others. The works in the exhibition, including relics of actual parade events, raise questions about the institutionalization of public space, patronage and participatory art, and the creation of collective traditions through spectacle. At noon on April 26, as an extension of the exhibition, the IMA is sponsoring an actual parade in downtown Indianapolis. Commissioned artists and artist groups are producing theatrical projects, including contributions by Allison Smith, Friends With You, and Alison Heimstead. An open call for participation is online at

As a participating artist, Fritz Haeg has proposed a choreographic plan titled East Meets West Interchange Overpass Parade that participants are invited to engage while developing their projects. Haeg also poses a series of questions about the parade and the experience of public space:

- We will move from neighborhood main street to freeway overpass, how can we engage both situations? Viewed by still pedestrians close-up in the former & fast cars from a distance in the latter.

- Is there a particular sense of camaraderie or connectedness among those that come from the same side of the street, town, state, country, planet?

- We will move separately in straight lines, then together in an endless loop (for those that can make the turns) surrounding our audience. Are there other ways to terminate our movement on the overpass? As a mash-up with our audience and the opposing parade?

- Do we have an agenda beyond parade and art? How about convergence? Or meetings? Or trying for one day to stitch back together what the freeway ripped apart?

- Are we moving towards something or away from something? How do we begin and how do we end?

{A group planning session, featuring these questions, will occur at the IMA on March 27, 2008 at 6:30. For more information, please contact the museum at}

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[E01] THE DONKEY, THE JACKASS, AND THE MULE by Alison Smith from New York 11231
With her particular interest in folk craft and historical re-enactment, artist Allison Smith produces artwork that revisits the past in hopes of better understanding the present. Past projects have included her 2005 event, The Muster, which rallied hundreds of participants to set up camp
on New York's Governors Island and Notion Nanny (2005-2007), in which she traveled across the U.K. and U.S. as an itinerant apprentice, swapping folk crafts and trades with their modern day practitioners.

Smith's project for the Indianapolis Parade, The Donkey, the Jackass and the Mule, will feature equestrian pull-toys with attendants in historical dress. Smith is currently collaborating with students from the Herron School of Art and Design in Indianapolis to create three large wooden pull-toy donkeys mounted on wheeled carts. To bring her donkeys to life, Smith is partnering with local Living History group, Freetown Village.

[E02] AWAY FROM THE HERD by Emma Said and Students from IPS School Robert Frost #106 from Indianapolis, IN 46226
A life-size mustang, created by elementary art teacher Emma Said and her students, will be paraded down the route via automobile to demonstrate pride in their mascot.

[E03] ALL I CAN DO IS ALL I CAN DO (FOR A PARADE) by Greg Ajamie from Indianapolis, IN 46202
A group of wooden sheep cut-outs are wheeled on flats by the artist dressed as a sheph
erd. A recording repeats the words “All I Can Do is All I Can Do” against the sound of ringing bells. This performance may take place in a special fenced off area.

[E04] HANDY LION by Susan Beauchamp from Indianapolis, IN 46203
This Lion is “handy” because its mane, tail and crest of back fur will be made from gloves collected from the streets of Indianapolis. Much like a Chinese dragon, only the legs of the puppeteers will be visible under the cloth body and paper-mache head.

[E05] STORYBOOK DRAGON PUPPET by Michael Runge and Amy Denny from Indianapolis, IN 46201
Far East meets West in this American interpretation of Chinese parade dragon traditions. Composed of separate component parts, Mike Runge's large-scale, upright "Street Dragon" depends on the coordinated teamwork of its puppeteers to thunder and roar down the street.  

[E06] CINDERELLA IN THE CITY by Kay Grimm from Indianapolis, IN 46201
In this fairy tale come-to-life, a dolled-up Cinderella rides on a mechanized coach pulled by a tractor-trailer.   She is accompanied by an original recording made by the artist, "In the City Life is so Pretty."

[E07] MISS U.S. OF A. by Lauren Argo from Louisville , KY 40206
Don't expect any blank smiles and waves from the beauty queens in this Cadillac convertible; they're too fake. Artist Lauren Argo comments on our beauty traditions by filling the back of a Cadillac convertible - the traditional vehicle for parade beauty queens - with female blow-up dolls.

[E08] US BY NUMBERS by Doug Arnholter from Indianapolis, IN 46220
The "Us by Numbers" project is a nationwide public art campaign to create the world's largest paint-by-numbers piece. It is kicking off in Indianapolis this spring, and parade attendees are invited to paint and sign the 4'x25' sections of canvas. The paint-by-numbers images are taken from photographs of the local community, and the finished painting will be displayed on the National Mall in Washington, D.C.

[E09] WHY CAN'T WE BE FRIENDS? by Nira Beard, Aaron Booe, Katie Rout, James Schuster, Mandi Smith, Alex Taylor from Indianapolis, IN 46208
In an effort to promote non-partisan political unity, artists wearing paper-mache heads of the four presidential candidates will “campaign” together – greeting the crowd, kissing babies, etc. Behind them, Secret Service men will march carrying boom boxes blasting the song “Why Can’t We Be Friends?”

[E10] CAPTURING THE FUN by Lou Combs, Emily Alford, Dave Cummings, Annie Skinner from Indianapolis, IN 46237
Five masked figures dressed in black will pull a wooden cage with a clown trapped inside. The clown is surrounded by balloons and holds a sign that reads “THIS IS NOT A REAL PARADE.” The tragi-comic procession is accompanied by Chopin’s “Funeral March” and “Entry of the Gladiators.”

[E11] HUNGRY AMEOBA by Michael Nannery, Nyla Mitchell, Kristin Silotto, Stephanie West from Greenwood, IN 46143
Walking under a coat of wire, mesh and fabric, this group of artist will act as an amoeba that gradually swallows up (willing) people around it. Its shell is designed to expand to accommodate the growing group underneath it.

[E12] SPACESHIP EARTH by Doug Arnholter, Teri Barnett, Leanne Ellis, Susan Hodgin, Sofiya Inger, Amy Kindred, Jeananne Libbert, Jerry Mannell, Emma Overman, Carol Spicuzza from Indianapolis 46220
An 8-foot interactive sphere, inspired by the patterns of Buckminster Fuller's geodesic dome, will be collectively painted by a variety of professional artists in their individual styles.   It will then be rolled down the parade route guided by artists engaging the spectators to assist in its motion.

[E13] THE MARATHON AUTOMATON by Arthole from Cincinnati, OH 45220
Cincinnati performance group Arthole will process down the parade route dressed as robots, using humor and entertainment to encourage thought about technology and its place in our society.

[E14] LISTEN: by Jim Walker from Indianapolis, IN 46203
Big Car is using and misusing a mixture of technology to create an ambient noise machine. This machine will mix and amplify the live sounds it picks up around it as it moves through the parade. There will also be costumed dancers following the machine, interpreting these sound

[E15] POETRY ON PARADE by The Oatmeal Eaters from Indianapolis, IN 46220
Indianapolis poetry group The Oatmeal Eaters will celebrate the beauty of words, by walking the parade route donning costumes, banners, and handouts. The handouts will function as large-scale magnetic poetry, seemingly random, but forming sets, then phrases, and eventually poems when arranged by willing spectators.

[E16] HARMLESS FUN by Tessie Lloyd-Jones from Indianapolis, IN 46201
The Woodruff Place Lawn Chair Brigade has been marching in local parades since 1993. The members live in historic Woodruff Place and march in semi-close procession order using standard webbed-frame aluminum lawn chairs.

[E17] FOLLOW THE LIGHT by The Church Within & Global Peace Initiatives 46203
Two organizations that promote the belief that people are good and can create good join together to escort a float resembling a sunflower bed that will be decorated with symbols of peace and love. Group members, adorned with sunflower faces, will pass out sunflower seeds to the audience, or ride the float.  

[E18] WATCH AS WE GROW by The 1400 Block of Woodlawn Avenue from Indianapolis, IN 46203
A replica of the fountain in Fountain Square Neighborhood flowing with flowers and vegetables will be at the center of a wheeled platform pulled along the parade route. Participants dressed as garden gnomes will pass out seed packets in order to promote social gardening in the Fountain Square neighborhood.

[E19] PINEABLE 02 by Brent & Desiree Aldrich & Moore from Indianapolis, IN 46201
Two artists will each drag a large evergreen tree along the parade route, leaving a trail of fallen needles behind them. Audience members might recognize the trees as part of a recent installation by these artists. The act connotes images of deforestation, Christmas tradition and the Passion of Jesus Christ.

[E20] QUEENS FLOAT by the Indianapolis Museum of Art from Indianapolis, IN
The Queen's Float will be filled with Participants, Spectators, Merrymakers, Protesters, Performers and Trailblazers. Celebrating art on procession and exhibitions in the streets, the Queen's Float will take the IMA into the streets of Fountain Square.



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[W01] GREENING THE OVERPASS by Alison Heimstead from Minneapolis, MN 90031
Alison Heimstead is a designer and director of spectacle-based theater and performance for the stage. Her fifteen years of professional work has included artistic direction for indoor and outdoor performance pieces ranging from building dedications to her original visually based puppetry work. Alison's work in large scale theatrical spectacle and puppetry has manifested in collaborations with Janie Geiser, Paul Zaloom, Nana Projects, In the Heart of the Beast Puppet and Mask Theatre, and Music Center of Los Angeles as well as independent film-makers, stilt-walkers, and innovative theater artists throughout the country.
Heimstead's project for the Indianapolis Parade, Greening Over the Overpass, was conceived as part of her free public workshop on Saturday, April 5. Working in the style of outsider artists and parade makers, participants will make individual and collaborative parade pieces around a central theme of greenery and recycling. Heimstead will inspire, instruct and guide participants in the creation of both communal and individual projects that center around theme of lush green vegetation growing and intertwining - from water lilies to dragonflies, from gold finches to beetles!

[W02] A BAG OF BEES by Anna Rae Landsman from Lafayette, IN 47904
In this piece, artist Anna Rae Landsman brings her anxieties to life.   She will walk down the parade route wearing a crown of trailing bees that drag, skip and jump in a pull-wagon behind her.  

[W03] INDIANA ENDANGERED SPECIES PUPPETS AND FLAGS by Sara Pugh and Sarah Zuckerman from Indianapolis, IN 46220
Indiana's endangered species take back the overpass - at least in puppet and flag form. Enviro-minded puppeteers Sarah Zuckerman and Sara Pugh have created large-scale flag and puppet representations of Indiana's crisis animal populations. Some are over six feet tall!

[W04] BUILD A BETTER MOUSETRAP by The Fountain Square Supper Club from Indianapolis, IN 46202
Ten Fountain Square families are taking action against their common apartment pest: mice. Dressed in home-made mouse costumes, adults, parents and children will march alongside a large-scale mousetrap pulled on wheels.

[W05] DRAGON AND LION DANCERS by Lilly Chinese Culture Network and Indiana Association for Chinese Americans (for the Indianapolis Art Center) from Indianapolis, IN 46220
The Dragon and Lion Dancers are a traditional Chinese entertainment group in town for the "Two Worlds, One Language Through Art" exhibition at the Indianapolis Art Center, June 27- Aug. 24, 2008. Costumed performers will dance along the parade route while Art Center volunteers hand out flyers and temporary tattoos.

[W06] SADDLEDRAG by Anna Campbell from Grand Rapids, MI 49506
An androgynous figure dressed as an American cowboy will drag two plaster casts of western saddles along the parade route. The plaster casts are not painted, but left white. The cowboy will pull them using a heavy, lasso-like rope.

[W07] TIN SOLDIERS by Terri Clifton from Mooresville, IN 46158
These “tin” soldiers are actually made from compressed cardboard drums. The tall, cartoonish Christmas figures will be pulled on wheeled platforms along the parade route.

[W08] SPEAK FREELY / SAVE THE INTERNET by Making Meaning from Carbondale, IL 62901
This project promotes the cause of "Network Neutrality" on the internet, a concept that opposes corporate control of Internet access and content. The float features a vintage pickup truck decorated with a timeline of offenses against free speech, computer monitors painted with the words "Save the Internet," and an oversized Ethernet cable in place of the rear hitch.   Two artists will hand out flyers to the crowd while a third will interview audience members about how they use the Internet. Audience responses will be broadcast from a loudspeaker on the roof of the truck.

[W09] SPACE TANK by the Contemporary Arts Initiative (CAI) from West Lafayette, IN 47906
Half art car, half Deathmobile from Animal House , the "CAI Space Tank" is on a mission of mayhem. Its team utilized low-tech construction materials to create a futuristic space vehicle with a fully operational (but ultimately harmless) weapons system.

[W10] STATE OF THE EV by Sean Scott and Alison Kurtz from Indianapolis, IN 46203
Finally, a solution for the environmentally-conscious motorcycle rider. Sean Scott has a built a fully functional motorcycle propelled solely by electricity. He will demonstrate its power by driving it along the parade route with a load of empty gasoline canisters in tow.

[W11] EVERYONE LOVES A PARADE by Judith G.Levy and Artur Silva from Indianapolis, IN 46202
Modern technology helps Judith Levy and Artur Silva become parade propaganda machines. The artists will walk along the route on foot dressed in camouflage clothing with flat screen LCD displays attached to their chests and speakers hung on their waists. The screens will loop historical parade footage from at least 8 countries while the speakers broadcast the traditional military march, “The Washington Post.”

[W12] THE LONE BLOGGER by Paul Druecke and Abdul Hakim Shabazz from Milwaukee, WI 53212
An unadorned device assists in the procession of blogger Abdul Hakim Shabazz down the parade route, allowing him to write in his personal blog as the audience watches.   The underwhelming visual impact is counteracted by the strength of the social impact bloggers have acquired as members of a new and vital medium.

[W13] REVENGE OF THE PINATAS by Las Muchachas Pinata from Indianapolis, IN 46202
Party-goers beware - these piñatas hit back! Artists wearing large paper-mache piñata costumes will roam the parade route with soft foam bats, exacting their revenge on willing volunteer children.

[W14] HEADS AND HANDS by Expo Design from Indianapolis 46217
The creative team at ExpoDesign will give old props new life in the creation of their float.   Having worked on parades across the country, the team will express the pride and confidence they share by filling a float with heads and hands created for past parades.

[W15] PARADE JESTERS FROM PEEWINKLE'S PUPPET STUDIO by Heidi Pearson Shackleford from Greenwood, IN 46143
These "Parade Jesters" come to us direct from the stage of Melchior Marionette Theatre in Greenwood, Indiana. The hand-made, large scale puppets will be carried and operated by the Puppeteers in Progress (PIPs) youth group.

[W16] QUEEN OF GODESSES by Karen Mollet from Indianapolis 46220
Dressed as a "one-worldly being," Ms. Mollet will process the parade route wearing a large, ornate costume representative of a multitude of religious rulers.   Wheels will assist in her movement of this heavy garment.

[W17] BASKETBOLIVE by Brandon and the Black Ties from Indianapolis, IN, 46202
In true Hoosier tradition, artists dressed in formal attire will shoot basketballs (painted to look like olives) into a large Plexiglass martini glass on pulled on wheels. The "olives" will funnel down into the stem of the glass and out through a hole in the base to be shot again by whomever rebounds the ball - audience member or artist!

[W18] THE PRIDE OF INDY BAND AND COLOR GUARD by Saturday in the Arts with the IMA from Indianapolis 46206
Inspired by George Seurat's A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte and its resulting musical, Sunday in the Park with George, Pride of Indy will play a song from the musical while processing the route, dressed (or rather, dotted) as characters from Seurat's impressionist painting.

[W19] HERRON SCHOOL OF ART AND DESIGN CREATIVE PROCESS CLASS by Flounder Lee and class from Indianapolis, IN 46202
A group of students from Herron School of Art & Design will explore the creative process by participating in the parade. Students will create individual or group projects, and the outcomes will vary as greatly as the students. Themes of parades, pageants, public art, and performance will provide common ground.

[W20] PROSTHETIC FOR PUBLIC SPACE by Patrick W. Gillespie from CA
The "prosthetic for public space" is a shearling, sheepskin suit, the image it creates is a simplified human form. It covers my entire body and interferes with my ability to see and to speak. Because of my limited sense of sight wearing the suit, I must discover other referents for where I am in the world, which ultimately leads to the random discovery of both people and objects.

[W21] MR. TTT by Friends With You from Miami, FL 33145
Fun-loving art and design collective FriendsWithYou (FWY) revels in creating playful art for serious times. Founded by artists Sam Borkson and Arturo Sandoval III in 2002, FWY produces designer toys, artwork, and other commercial products based on an imaginary wonderland of whimsical characters, called the Friends. Their ever-expanding lineup includes Malfi, the "master of all tricks," Muffin, a "magical shape-shifter," and King Albino, a creature who "gets rid of life discoloration forever." FWY created two pieces for On Procession: a "Dream Maker" mobile for the museum's entry pavilion and the "Mr. TTT" inflatable for the street parade.

The Mr. TTT parade float will appear in the IMA's art parade in Fountain Square on April 26, 2008. Mr. TTT, who resembles a bright caterpillar, is described as a segmented "wormhole" who travels along the ground. This balloon will be carried by a host of volunteers and accompanied by a special soundtrack designed by the artists.

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THE BRIDE STRIPPED BARE BY HER BACHELORS by Valerie Sullivan Fuchs from Shelbyville , KY 40065-9380
Unlike most parade floats, this non-mobile installation piece requires the viewer to move. Artist Valerie Fuchs plans to install ten thermal digital prints and ten solar light boxes at various intervals along the parade route.   They will remain up for the duration of the On Procession exhibition.