dance, education

movement workshops with Anna Halprin

…on the famous redwood deck (designed by her recently deceased husband, renowned landscape architect, Lawrence Halprin) at her mountain home studio in Kentfield, CA were just announced in an email I received today – they are open to anyone and I really wish I was in Northern California so that I could participate – she was born in 1920 – she has made dances for the city streets, and the woods, and only sometimes for the theater – she is the trailblazer for most of what I think is interesting in dance today – she takes teaching seriously as a part of her work, not just to professionals, but kids, the elderly, the sick, and anyone that wants to move – I also just saw the revival of her stunning 1965 Parades and Changes last year which blew me away, I think I was on the edge of my seat with a smile on my face the whole time – check out all of the books by, and about her, here.  (website and class list)