Tag : flights

…from Rome to L.A. was only part of a much longer day, starting with getting in a car at the Pollinaria farm in Abruzzo at 1am to a Fiumicino bound bus in Pescara and ending with a long meeting and dinner at the Hammer Museum in Westwood right off the plane, followed by immediate collapse ..

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…this evening after 24 hours checking in on the homefront, and now headed ‘back east’ as they refer to it here ‘out west’ to New York City where I’ll be planting a big round wild edible medicinal herbal pollinator attractor garden (with plants and dirt from McEnroe Organic Farm and the amazing Annie Novak of ..

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…was a welcoming amber view back to the city last night, just able to glimpse my little mound of a hill out the window through the hazy amber veil as we made the familiar approach and decent across the endless sprawl segmented by the occasional freeway and trapped between the chain of mountains to the ..

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