On September 27th, 2010, DROGHERIA INNOCENZI…


the intoxicating interior of Drogheria Innocenzi, since 1948

…(aka F.Lli Innocenzi Giancarlo E Giovanni S.N.C.) just down the hill at 66 Piazza San Cosimato in Trastevere, has been around and almost unchanged since 1948 and is one of my new favorite stores of all time, having just stumbled in this morning, feeling like I could spend forever just looking around, immediately overwhelmed by the exciting combination of old-school classic Italian goods (coffees, spices, candies, oils, grains…), very new and progressive ‘bioligica’ gluten-free goods (spelt, local jams, breads…), and exotic imports (syrup, sushi goods, peanut butter…), all beautifully presented in hand-made mom and pop fashion – and I haven’t even mentioned the beautiful ‘drogheria’ smocks that the gracious staff wear. (check out more info and images at Corriere della Sera)