On March 1st, 2011, VALERIA DE FRANCISCIS…


Valeria de Franciscis as the domineering mother of Gianni di Gregorio in 'Gianni e le Donne'

…is the 95 year old newcomer/up-and-coming actress who plays Gianni Di Gregorio’s mother in his new film ‘Gianni e Le Donne‘ (a follow up to his 2008 low budget hit ‘My Mid-August Lunch‘, or ‘Pranzo di Ferroagosto‘ in which she also plays his mother) which we just saw this weekend at the cute Testaccio theater Cinema Greenwich (where we felt very youthful in an audience that was decidedly on the older side) and it was fun to watch her steal the show playing it up as one of those great old Italian borghese powerful mammas tricked out in big chunky jewelry and shimmery satiny bright pastels.