On March 30th, 2011, NILS NORMAN’S EDIBLE PARK …

  art, gardens

sedum covered passive solar straw bale shed in Nils Norman's Edible Park

…is a visionary permaculture landscape developing on a small tract of community gardening land in the modern outskirts of Den Haag – initiated by my British artist friend and developed, maintained, and cared for by local collaborators – (commissioned in 2009 by Stroom, who I am here meeting with about a new project for the Fall) which I had the pleasure of visiting today, enjoying the wild planting patterns around young fruit trees, the miniature handmade canals to move water around, the large piles of branches to welcome animal residents, the low wattle perimeter fence enclosures, the perennials at the tail end of a quiet winter on the verge of reviving for the spring, surrounding a conical straw-bale shed covered in red sedum – yum. (more information from Stroom)