On July 21st, 2011, PIGNETO…

  art, Rome

the old Pigneto man and his domestic street art

…is the working class but now newly cool-ish youthful-ish (for this city at least) neighborhood of Rome, just beyond Termini and Porta Maggiore, where word is that things are happening, but I never seem to make it there – since it is a bike ride to the other side of town for me – but today we went to visit a possible home for the rooftop garden (to be donated to a local organization when I leave town) which happily happens to be in Pigneto, leading us to a tranquil walk through it’s streets, culminating in the acquaintance of an old man making himself comfortable on a chair out his front door next to his domestic street art creations that involve intricate paintings on his post box, gas meter panel, front gate, door…where we struck up an impromptu conversation.