On May 22nd, 2013, THE EE 15 PLAN…

  Edible Estates
proposed layout of Edible Estate #15: Twin Cities

proposed layout of Edible Estate #15: Twin Cities

…has been evolving since the substantially sized Woodbury front lawn site was selected a few weeks ago, but we need to get real since it hits the ground on Friday with the design laid out on the lawn, on Saturday with dirt/wood/rock moving, and on Sunday with planting and mulching – so during my sacred early-riser hours this morning I get it all down for the last time, including places for: kid’s garden for the child-care across the street, berry brambles, wood bread oven, harvest table platform, low rain garden, high fruit tree mounds, gathering/conversation circle, and in a new step of grass-tolerance for the last edition of the Edible Estate garden series, a little lawn left in place as the primary circular  path. (EE15 webpage)