On February 22nd, 2014, A ‘WILDFLOWERING L.A.’ OPEN HOUSE…

  Wildflowering L.A.
a winter's day picnic in the wilds of the L.A. foothills

a winter’s day picnic in the wilds of the L.A. foothills

…this hot sunny winter’s afternoon brought together participants from many of the 50 sites across the county to the wild foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains of the Theodore Payne Foundation (a favorite place in the Los Angeles area, a special sanctuary to consider what our land was like before it was urbanized, and a primary inspiration for the Wildflowering L.A. project) for a short native gardening talk, a hike up the hill to see Theodore Payne Foundation’s own Wildflowering L.A. site while drinking some freshly picked native plant tea infusions of sage and Yerba buena, but the best part was checking out the photos of everyone’s wildflower sites which they were showing off like baby pictures.