On November 8th, 2014, THE START OF THE CLOSING…

  Sundown Schoolhouse
Score for a _________ Home

Score for a _________ Home

…activities and workshops at the Sundown Dome start this morning – including “Score for a _________ Home,” an impromptu exercise to write down every word that describes the home we want, followed by each of picking our favorite descriptor, and writing a score to create that home.

SCORES FOR A CALIFORNIA COMMUNE MIGRATION: Sundown Dome to Salmon Creek Farm to The Sea Ranch to Halprin Mountain Home Studio, Saturday, November 8th to Sunday,  November 16th, 2014

In conjunction with their current exhibition in Chicago, Experiments in Environment: The Halprin Workshops, 1966-1971, the Graham Foundation is commissioning RSVP Cycle-inspired workshops organized and led by Fritz Haeg from November 8th to 16th. They mark the transition of communal domestic activity from his Sundown dome in Los Angeles – after 15 years of gatherings and events – up to his new farm/community project Salmon Creek Farm, a historic commune from the 1970’s on the Mendocino Coast in Albion. The founding communards will join us there too, guiding walks, recounting stories, marking the changing of hands from one community to another. Inspired by Lawrence and Anna Halprin – and referencing their books RSVP Cycles: Creative Processes in the Human Environment, 1970 and Taking Part: A Workshop Approach to Collective Creativity, 1975 – the week culminates with a day at The Sea Ranch and on the dance deck at their Mountain Home Studio in Kentfield with Anna Halprin herself.