On October 11th, 2010, ‘SHOW DOGS’…


'Show Dogs' by Kate Lacey, 2010 from Evil Twin Publications

…is the excellent new book I just received in the mail today from Evil Twin Publications (who you may recall published last year’s 150 foot long ‘Sundown Salon Unfolding Archive‘ accordion book) – which consists of engaging portraits by Kate Lacey, who was assigned by Life Magazine to cover Westminster in 2005…’She decided that instead of walking around Madison Square Garden documenting the scene, she would rig up a seamless backdrop to make elegant portraits, much as Richard Avedon once captured glamorous celebrities.‘ – which I am very much enjoying even though I go out of my way to avoid eye contact with cute dogs on the street this year, because it makes me miss my doggies back in L.A. so much. (more info and orders here)